
By Liam

roomba savagely attacked my vase, one that i was extremely proud of because i made the arrangement myself. this happened about 2 months ago, and its broken remains still lean up against the wall im tired of looking at it...maybe i should replace it?

just got a new cell phone a few months ago. i want a new one, again.

i never paid "The Office" any attention, until one of my favorite people in the world suggested i watch it, she also got me hooked on "The Colony" and "Dexter". her taste in movies suck tho, but shes a television show selection goddess.

speaking of one of my favorite people in the world, she gave birth to her son today, 7lbs 13oz , 21 inches in length and get this, the baby isnt even ugly, go figure. i wish i could be there for her, i want to be but life is complicated sometimes.

my cousin called me today and irritated the african piss out of me. hes been without a job for over a year, complains about not having any money but he was at the mall, buying another pair of shoes.

i think its time for a new gizmo/gadget fix...so what is it gonna be? tablet pc? touch screen alarm clock with live news and traffic updates? watch? hmmm.... but on the other hand i do need some new shoes.

1 comment so far.

  1. uglyblackjohn November 11, 2010 at 8:31 PM
    I always had tenants who could never pay rent but who always had new clothes and shoes.
    After a while, I tore down most of the houses and decided to build a community garden.
    (But then the ocals stole the plants and materials.)
    Sometimes being understanding gets old.

Something to say?