The Bait

By Liam

so what do you do when someone is trying to buy you into a relationship? i have a few friends who have tried this approach, buy a woman whatever she wants and impress your way into love with material goods. well hell, maybe you can, the older i get the more i realize im an idiot, but i digress.

im living proof that a man can have a strictly platonic relationship with an attractive member of the opposite sex, this chick has been trying for years, and i have been not interested for that same amount of time. why? i don't know, and not interested in figuring out. even before she turned all bat shit crazy i just didn't see her like that, and let me tell is true that the super beauties have some SERIOUS insecurities.

ive had to break up with her multiple times, but we have never been an item. once i walked outside to grab something out of my car and caught her driving by my house, she said she was worried about me because she text me and i didn't respond. crazy.

since then, shes calmed down a lot and just when i thought she was finally getting the picture that shes barking up the wrong tree she sent me pics of things she knows i want and plans to give them to me for Christmas. my initial reaction, HELL NO!! id rather have a gift less Christmas than accept whatever hell id surely bring into my life by saying thanks and receiving the goods.

But, there is always a but...

one of the gifts is a 2k item, and would make my money making ventures a HELL of a lot easier. my gut tells me no, my wallet and business since tells me to go with what could increase revenue, at the end of the day, it would be all about the bottom line, who wouldn't take profit increase at no cost?

but clearly there is a potential cost associated with this, i cannot see her not expecting something in return after shelling out that type of money on someone who doesn't have so much as a hallmark card in return. what to do, what to do...

2 comments so far.

  1. uglyblackjohn November 29, 2010 at 7:41 PM
    In spite of my screen moniker - I'm not really ugly.
    Back in the day (still a bit now), I used to get offered all kinds of gifts, money, cars, whatever... .
    All I had to do was to sleep with and put up with some lady or another.
    But I'm no hooker - if a woman needed companionship THAT badly she could have just asked (I might have given them a 'mercy ?%$@').
    I've had girlfriends buy me gifts after I'd broken up with them as an excuse to see me.
    Which then led to sex and their assumption that the sex meant that we were back together.
    I'd then have to find something trivial to break up with her over and then she'd try to buy a better gift for me.
    It's a dangerous cycle - don't do it.
  2. Liam December 1, 2010 at 8:51 AM
    the monster within revealed itself the other night, she was able to wear a mask for a while, but couldnt contain the beast.

    shes crazy, i really think she needs to see a doctor.

    i told her about a female friend that might be coming to visit from out of town and... long story short im not even gonna take so much as a phone call from her

    you were right.....

Something to say?