To my Stalker: Hi

By Liam

I've been watching you watch me for a while now. Please, please stay off my facebook, blog and out of my personal life....thank you.
I mean no harm just respect my wishes please.

i didn't say anything to you because i just wanted to keep the peace but that shit you pulled this morning was too much.
I don't love you, i cant, don't be mad at me be mad at nature.

now at this point id like to get back to blogging about regular stuff and not all this relationship bullshit.

Now that you know I know what you thought i didn't, just imagine what else i know that i never said to you.
Good day... and God Speed


3 comments so far.

  1. Reggie December 5, 2010 at 12:55 PM
    Don't knock the fact that we might pick up the occasional hater or stalker, don't sleep on them. They are there to let us know that we're doing something right, that we're still desirable.

    I had one not that long ago. No matter how many times I told her I wasn't interested or that I just wanted for us to be friends, she wouldn't stop. She just kept trying to push the envelope. I understand that physical attraction isn't something that we have control over, it's what you do with it after the fact that causes issues. She wouldn't take no for an answer and started questioning me as to why I wasn't interested. I explained to her why several times, but she just wouldn't stop. She was married and finally she ended up pregnant (I'm assuming by her husband) again so she stopped calling/texting me.

    Honestly, I felt sorry for her more than anything else.
  2. Liam December 5, 2010 at 2:04 PM
    You're right,in some aspects im flattered and equally confused as to what in the hell she see's in me.she could probably have anyone she wants, but for whatever reason, im just not into her like that.

    She routinely scoffs at the looks of the women i am interested in, as tho her brain is completely void of the idea that looks aren't everything.

    in any case, there is nothing that i have to offer her and i don't get why she doesn't see that... hopefully when her stalkin ass reads this comment (HI HATER) she will get a damn clue.
  3. Reggie December 5, 2010 at 9:36 PM
    There's always SOMETHING that we have to offer them Liam. There was a time in my life when I wouldn't have minded giving it to her either.

    Now I'm older and not interested in trying to put the effort into hiding it from my wife.

Something to say?