Travel Bug

By Liam

Inspired by the life of Brohammas I've decided to do something I've always wanted to do, travel. i think I'm going to take a few trips solo, bring my daughter along for others, and maybe even some friends. my ultimate goal is to see countryside japan, but i think i wont be able to set that into motion until late next year. right now I'm going to start small until I've decided exactly where i want to go, as I'm not really in the position to just drift in the wind, though that is my preferred method of travel, it just isn't going to happen.

when i was in Miami i visited a Spanish castle, these sort of places give me the creeps for some reason but it was still cool to try to wrap my mind around the way of life during those times, and being thankful that i wasn't around then...well at least not that i know of.

if these halls could talk

it was a decent experience, i enjoyed myself and the courtyard was really calming. i didn't care for the amount of stray cats that were hanging around, which made it even more creepy in one area where i took a pic but for some reason it was blacked out...strange.

while roaming the streets on a boring Sunday afternoon i ran into this oak tree that looks like its lying on the ground, I've seen a lot of oak tree's but never one like this, and I've been in this city forever and didn't even know of its existence

as cool as it was from a distance i was blown away when i got a closer look

there are a lot of beautiful and unique things on this crazy planet, i hope to see as much as possible before i have to clock out.


2 comments so far.

  1. brohammas December 1, 2010 at 8:53 PM
    Inspiration? O heavens. Do not attribute my wandering to anything but chasing a dollar. Its a job and I often miss my family...
    but I love it.

    Do it! Go everywhere and see everything!
  2. Liam December 2, 2010 at 6:52 PM
    best advice ever, that's the plan! go as many places as possible and take in as much as possible

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